Some candid fiscal background from Mike: I started
NOÖ Journal with my friend Kyle Peterson in 2004/2005. At the time, we
were both in community college, and I had a respectable amount of extra money
coming in from scholarships that went above and beyond the costs needed for community
college. This money allowed us to conceive of NOÖ as a free print
magazine, a reality that's remained ever since.
Now I live in Maryland and I no longer have any extra scholarship money.
So the cost of printing the journal has become sort of intense. But I'm still
committed to the idea of a free literary magazine distributed at coffeeshops and
bookstores across the country, because I think the "literary scene"
has an unfortunate economic insularity that makes things difficult
for people who don't live in major cities, or people don't understand why that
literary journal at B&N is $12 when they could buy a book for $12, or people
who haven't dipped into the whirlpool of the internet literary community. I also
think that print artifacts allow for a dimension of reader interaction that reading
online doesn't allow for, which we can sweepingly call the "shelf-in-your-bathroom
are working on institutional funding (grants, etc.) but those take
time to implement. In the meantime, we would like to reach out to our reading
community and ask you for help. If you have read and enjoyed NOÖ, please
consider donating a small amount to help us with printing costs and keep the print
aspect of this venue alive. You can donate whatever amount you want; we suggest,
ala Radiohead, an amount you would consider fair for a journal like this if you
saw an issue in a zine/journal rack. Here's what you'll
get with your donation:
1) A lifetime subscription to NOÖ and acknowledgment in the acknowledgment section
2) Your own specialized
poem, written by me or a guest star, under any parameters you specify
An optional video-taped performance of that poem that makes your kindness
and generosity known to all who frequent the YouTube. All RAD POETRY
videos will be posted on our blog:
We care a lot about
getting all the awesome work we love to print in NOÖ into the hands
of bright and hungry strangers, and we would be very thankful for any help. If you can't donate
right now, perhaps you can spread the word via your blog or site. Thanks to all
our terrific readers and authors and artists!
To donate online, click below, and optionally
include in your note any relevant poem requests (poem subject, dedication, form,
If you would like to donate but you don't like PayPal, send us an email at, and we will provide you with information about how to send a non-digital donation.
Thank you for helping free literature!
© 2011 NOÖ Journal
All rights reserved.